Seattle Choral Company Fundraising

| 228
$90,543.01 donated
175 Donors

Thank you for supporting the SCC! Over the past 42 years, we’ve created the highest standards for choral art and performance in our region. With your help, we’ll continue to introduce our growing Seattle family to an extraordinary variety of diverse, world-class choral experiences. Thank you for becoming one of our angels!

Seattle Choral Company is a 501(c)3 corporation. Our Federal Tax ID is 91-1223378. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

228 Responses

  1. Sherrie Cornett

    I know how challenging funding is these days, especially for arts organizations. The Seattle Choral Company was one of the best parts of my life for the 10 years I lived in Seattle. Hope this little bit helps each month!

  2. Gerald Foster

    My son is a tenor in the Seattle Choral Company. My wife and I love attending the performances and appreciate the talent evident in this group and all the work it takes to bring it on stage for all to enjoy great music.

  3. Veneta Ford

    My daughter Heather Shaw has been a member for many years now and I am so happy she is part of such a great organization.

  4. Anne Tiura

    This gift is in memory of Harlan Young, as a thank you to dear Kathy Young for a recent generous gesture to me.

  5. Suzanne Coleman

    Freddie, I really appreciate the letter you sent out. It reminds of why I have always loved the Choral Company. I’m here with all of you as a former singer and a current patron anxious for more music making as soon as possible.

  6. Stephen Young

    Love what you are doing, and what it does for my wonderful daughter Rebecca Young!

  7. James Nelson

    The S.C.C. has been part of our family for over 27 Years, and we Completely Believe in its mission to Provide Voices of Joy, as well as Reflection, to Those who Appreciate and Enjoy the Choral Arts! Keep It Going! Thanks, Jim and Terry.

  8. Jocelyn Markey

    I miss the music, and I miss my family! Here’s to our SCC community: physically distanced for now, but strong as ever!

  9. Carol and Kin Ritchie

    This is given with great faith and hope for the future…and with much love for the SCC, for all we gain personally, from singing together…and for all we share with the Seattle community.

  10. David Horiuchi

    Best wishes to Freddie and SCC during these difficult times

  11. Ron Anderson

    To my beloved choir. Here’s hoping for a fun virtual recording. Stay safe and healthy.

    Ron a d Jon in Taiwan

  12. Rhona Kwiram

    All the best to all of you as you navigate your way through this difficult time. I hope we will soon hear you en masse and in person again!

  13. Linda Murray

    Year-end donation to mark the end of a challenging year without singing together. Here’s to a much brighter choral future in 2021.

  14. Veneta

    Our family really missed the Christmas concert, that is always our favorite event.

  15. Veneta Ford

    The choir has been such an important part of my daughter’s life, need to support such a wonderful group.

    • Freddie Coleman

      Thank you, Veneta! Your daughter has a lovely voice and it is a pleasure to work with her. Happy New Year to you!

  16. Ron Anderson

    In memory of Walter Maurice Harold Budde Ph.D. Jr. the father of a friend from my work days. May his memory be a blessing.

  17. Tish and Steve Harwood

    A beautiful way to honor the COVID. My sister-in-law Joy has been a long time member and we honor her love of music and the SCC

  18. Catherine Gordon

    My son John Gordon has sung with you for many years, and has always sent your wonderful performances to us. Thank you!!

  19. Stephanie Belanger

    Glad you are putting virtual concert online so I can enjoy from afar.

  20. Theresa Folkins

    Though I will not be singing with the choir for this upcoming concert, I would like to continue paying my singer’s dues as a way to support the choir.

  21. Antonio Alcantara

    Quarterly dues. Best money spent. Learning a great deal from the best!

  22. Phillip and Eda Lee Haas

    It is a privilege to sing Rachmaninoff Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with Seattle Choral Company.

  23. Kathleen Demaree

    Donation in lieu of auction purchase. Please use for Fund a Need

  24. Maddy Garruba

    Membership dues for 2022-2023 season! I haven’t switched my name on my credit card yet, so name for processing payment should be Madison Butzbach 🙂

  25. cheryl pietromonaco

    Hi Freddie. I just thought you deserved a blessing.
    May God make this a happy, holy Christmas for you.
    You are in my thoughts, and prayers, and I send you much thanks for all you do.
    With love,

  26. Joyce Kling

    Tickets I already have for Thomas and John Ginda and a donation if this is more than tickets plus tax.

  27. Veneta Ford

    My daughter Heather Shaw loves being a part of such a professional and joyful organization, and I love sharing that experience with her.

  28. Jennifer Schlobohm

    So happy you are back performing in person. Looking forward to performances in 2023!

  29. Amanda Lacayo

    Amanda Lacayo – Dues (paid in full) for partial 2022-2023 season starting in January 2023

  30. Joyce C Kling

    For three seats at the Auction table I have already reserved.

  31. Jocelyn Markey

    Please use this donation for the November 2023 Wine Event — supplies, food, etc.

  32. Rebecca Buchanan

    Dues for 2023/2024 season, minus the $25 stop payment fee on my earlier dues check

  33. Christine Lakey

    Music fills our hearts and souls and creates community, whether we are the performer or the audience. Love this community!

  34. Ron Anderson

    Please use this for the auction. I won’t be able to attend.

    Much love to you and all my chorus friends

  35. Antonio Alcantara

    Bruce Dodge: Donation towards the Bass Section 2024 SCC “Friendship” Dinner Show and Auction

  36. Rick & Joan Lundquist

    Since we are unable to attend this year’s auction, here’s a donation instead. It can be used as part of the fund-a-need if you wish.

  37. Rick & Joan Lundquist

    Since we are unable to attend the auction, here is our donation instead.

  38. Anne Tiura

    Fulfillment of Board of Directors matching pledge for Give Big

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